
Introduction | About Hampi | Hampi and the truth of Ramanaya | Places to visit in Hampi | FAQ

Hello readers !! First of all thank you for reading this. It gives me an opportunity to throw some light on the rich culture of India, the culture whose foundation was laid by great saints and sages. Indian culture  has always been based on experiments and logical way of living a  better life. It always has given more wightage to the quality of life , the quality of human being  you are, than the materialistic superficial living.  The culture has developed over so many thousands of years. It is ancient and practical. It  teaches us how to live, what it means to be a human being, what it means to have this life, what is the purpose of life. It teaches what is the right thing to do in every situation. In Ancient Indian culture  there has been many  incarnations of God , who came in this world to set examples for common people and teach them the righteous and virtueous. They came to show how to live life ,  what to do in what situation and live a conscious life all through out.

Ram was incarnnation of Lord Vishnu and he came to earth to  teach  what is right and what is wrong, what is dharma in every situation. The large part of Indian culture  is shaped to a large extent by his thoughts and the way shown by him to live . In many istances the truth of Ramayana ( The life of Ram ) has been questioned by those who do not understand the depth of the culture. Many places the truth of  the great Indian culture has been termed as mythology. Vedas, Upishads, Sutras, Puarnas have highlighted the rich Indian culture .They have mentioned the being of Ram and the  truth of Ramayana which is not a mythology.

If you are a traveller from foreign and visiting India, if you are in search of truth , if you have unanswered questions then you are in right place . The proof and the remainants of the great Indian culture is spread across India and it tells and reminds to everyone that it was never a mythology but only truth.

Hampi is one such place which consists of the proofs of the great era of Ram and if you visit this UNESCO world heritage site Hampi  you will start believing more on Ram and the truth of Ramayana.

Facts Table of Hampi

How to go to Hampi from Hosapet

Recently I travelled Hampi with my parents and I was lucky, 3 day Hampi festival started on the same Day .  From Bangalore I took a train and reached Hosapete station ( the nearest station) to Hampi. From Hospete you can go to the Bus stand  by walking if a lone traveller as it is hardly 600-800m away  or you can take an auto to Bus stand who will take Rs 50 – Rs 100  if reserved. You can get a bus which is not very frequent though and you might have to wait till half an hour to one hour in bus  You can also book a cab  or an  auto directly to Hampi and they can charge anything from 180-500. Hosapete to Hampi is like 30-45 minutes journey.   The 1 marked in image (Map credit Google Maps) is route from Hospete Station to Hampi. From SH49 you have to turn at Kadirampura cross towards Hampi.

Hotels and Resorts in Hampi

There are  mainly 3-4 places where all your hotels  and stays are. The most and the best resorts in Hampi are located in Hosapete itself like Club Mahindra’s Village Resort , Heritage Resort , Evolve Back Hampi  and other big Hotels are all in Hosapet. But if you are looking for Hotels in Hampi itself you will get it in three main places Kaddirampuram, Hampi Bazzar , Kamalpur, Kishkindha. Hampi Bazzar will be the nearest to every destination in Hampi.

During the Hampi Festival the  bus service in Hampi was free, I am not sure if that is the case on regular days. The frequency was  5 minutes only. We saved a lot of money because bus service was good in Hampi and we mostly prefrerred walking between destinations to enjoy the beauty. We went in January and still it was sunny and hot during day time.

Best time to travel Hampi

The best time to travel to Hampi is in winter from October-January when weather is good and you can do a lot of walking and trekking to enjoy real beauty of Hampi.You can travel all the places by cab or an auto but if you want to enjoy Hampi to fullest you need to do a bit of walking and trekking and for that Oct-Jan month is good .

Hampi and the truth of Ramayana

History of Hampi ( Ancient History of Hampi)

Ram was given exile for 14 years . He started from Ayodhya  and started his  journney in Jungles. Surpanakha was Ravana’s sister who fell for Ram but Laxmana (Ram’s youger brother) cut her nose from arrow. The city of Nasik  was named because of this . “Na”  in Nasik means Nose .Surpnakha asked his brother to take revenge from Ram. Ravana  abducted Mata Sita and Ram went in search of him . Ram seeked Sugriv’s help to search maa Sita. Sugriv’s needed Ram’s help to defaeat Bali. This Bali Sugriv episode happened In Kiskinda, Hampi . Sugriv was king of Kiskinda who faught Bali and  later helped Ram to search Mata Sita .  The boulders of the Hampi hills are belived to be created because of war between Sugriv and Bali. Ram met  Lord Hanuman here . Lord Haumana  is believed to be born in Anegundi Hills in Hampi across TungaBhadra river.

Matanga Hill :  Sage Matanga cursed bali because he threw corpse on Matanga Hill and told him he will die if he ever came on Matanga hill. Bali went for a war and asked his brother Sugriv to guard the place. Bali did not return for long time and Sugriv thought probably Bali was killed in war  and he closed the cave where Bali went for war. Bali got angry and wanted to kill Sugriv but Sugriv went to Matanga Hill because he knew Bali will not come there  as he was cursed by sage Matanga. You can find the Sugriv’s Cave on Matanga hill where Sugriv  kept Sita Mata’s jewels hidden whhcih she threw  so that Ram could find her . Ram met Lord Hanuman here. Hanuman was born here on Anegundi hill and you can see his temple on the top of this hill.

Pampa Sarovar is the place were Ram ate Sabri’s eaten berries given out of love for  Lord Ram. His Paduka lies near temple in Pampa Sarovar. All these are popular places in Hampi now.Are these not proof of existence of Ram and Ramayana, one among many proofs in India.

When Mother Ram was taken away by Ravana, Jatayu the  bird King came for  rescue  of Sita. Ravana cut Jatayu’s feather and Jatyau was on ground. Ram found Jatayu and asked him to rise. “Lepakshi”: – Le means rise  in Telugu and pakshi means bird.Lepakshi  got his name from this. Ram went to Rameshwaram from there on and then with help of Sugriv ,Lord Hanuman Lord Ram defeated Ravana and brought back Sita.

The proofs and the remains all tell loud about Hampi  and the truth of Ramayana. Hampi is a place of great spritual imporatnce for Indians and now you know why so many temples were constructed by the kings of that place.

Some images from Hampi

Fig 1 : Boat ride in Tungabhadra river

Boat ride in Tungabhadra river

Fig2 : Entrance of Vitthala’s temple

Entrance Vitthala Temple

Virupaksha as seen from  staitrs near Bull temple

Virupakshsa Temple

Dodda Ganesha Temple

Narsingha Swami Temple , Hampi

Narsingha Swamy Temple

Why Hampi is UNESCO World heritage site ?

Vijayanagara empire (1336–1646)  was one of the prosperous empires in History of India. The king of Vijayanagara  (KrishnaDevRaya) truly believed in the teachings so much  that he wanted his kids and people to follow  built Hazaara Ram temple ( 1000 Ram temple) which depicts the life of Rama and the events mentioned in Ramayana. The Virupaksha Temple  deveoted to a form of Lord Shiva is part of the “Group of Monuments “  for which  one pass is available and allows you to visit all sites within this group included Vitthala temple, Lotus Mahal etc.
In India’s 50 rupee note you can see the chariot , that chariot is placed in Vitthal’s temple courtyard.See the pics below:
Chariot at Vitthala temple courtyard Hampi
 The most of  the tourist places in Hampi are  concentrated at
a)      Near Hampi Bus Stand and Virupaksha Temple
b)     Queen’s bath

c) Vitthala temple

See the  image showing Hampi and places to visit.
Hampi Guide map
 These all were made 700-800 years ago and were destroyed by muslim rulers who succeded over the Vijayanagara empire. Now what you see are ruins , remainants of the glorious past of Vijayanagara empire. The architecture, art and culture  and history depicted in these monuments are just mind boggling. It revelals amazing craftsment and craftsmenship.The pillars in Vitthal temple makes sound of 81 different instruments.
Virupaksha Temple : Dedicated to a form of  Lord shiva . Image of Virupaksha temple below :
Virpaksha temple Hampi

Virupaksha Temple Hampi

Hazara Ram Temple : Has the entire ramayan sculptured on it walls.
Then you have Lotus Temple, treasury house, elephant’s stable , Queen’s bath , all are dream for an historian .Undoubtely , Hampi deserves a place in world heritage site.

Places to Visit in Hampi in 2023

Below is the consolidated lists of tourists attractions in Hampi.

1 ) Lotus Temple , Hampi
Lotus Mahal Hampi
2)  Virupaksha temple ,Hampi
Virupakshi Temple Hampi
3) Matanga Hill , Hampi
4) Elephant’s Stable , Hampi
5) Lotus Mahal ,Hampi
6) Anjanya temple / Anegudi Temple
Anegundi temple :Birth Place of Lord Hanuman
7) Queen’s bath , Hampi
8) Tungabhadra River , Hampi
Tungabhadra River Hampi
9) Pampa Sarovar
10) Narsinga Temple
11) Dodda Ganesh temple
12) Trekking to Matanga Hill
Matanga Hill Hampi
13)Hazzara Ram Temple


Q1. How far is Hampi from Hosapet/Hospet Railway Station ?
Ans:  Around 15 KM. Takes 30-45 minutes.
Q2. How to go to Hampi from Hosapet/Hospet Railway Station ?
Ans: Auto,Cab or bus  are easily available from Railway station. Bus statio is around 600- 800m away from Railway station.
Q3. Where to stay in Hampi ?
Ans: Good hotels and resorts are available in  Hospet,But, you can also stay in Kadrimpura, Hampi Bazzar.Kadrimpura will have cheap hoilday holmes and connectivity to Hamp is good .
Q4. Are there excavation proofs of Hampi linking to Ramayna?
Ans: Hampi is a open museum. The history are still visible in all the monuments there .Sugriv’s cave, Bali palace, Matanga hill, Anjanadri  hill ( Bith place of Lord Hanuman),Pampa sarovar . These all are proofs that Ramyana was our glorious era of Lord Ram.
Q5.  Who wrote Ramayana and where ?
Ans: It was written by Indian poet Valmiki in Sanskrit language in 500Bce -100 BCE
Q6. What power Bali had?
Ans: Anbody seen by Bali looses his half the power and Bali gains the power from person.
Q7. What to expect in Hampi festival ?
Ans: All monuments will be decorated with lights, Cultural festival and ligh show  at different places ( the biggest one near Hamp Bazzar.
Q8. What is Hampi Bazzar significance?
Ans: It was area of trade for Silver and golds during Vijayanagara empire.
Q9. Why is Kishkindha famous?
Ans: Sugriv who helped Lord Ram to search Mata Sita  replaced his brother Bali with Ram’s help and became Kishkindha king. Sundar kand happened in Hamp and Kiskhkindha. Lord Hanuman birth place is belived to be in Anjanadri  hill
Q10. How is Hill-trek in Hampi ?
Ans: There are many places where you can do Hill trek.Specially from Nandi temple to Vitthala temple is awesome stretch where you can enjoy culture, trek and beautiful background all around.
 Q11. Is Ola/Uber available?

No, but cabs are available at Hospet station.


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I am 11 + years of experience in IT .Data is fuel and now used for drawing awesome conclusion.ML/AI is future and it is area of interest. Analysisbydata.com focuses on Data Science and AI

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